Braiding Sweetgrass
Braiding Sweetgrass Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teaching of Plants By Robin Wall Kimmerer (390 pages, nonfiction, 2013) Braiding Sweetgrass is beautiful, urgent, and brimming with wisdom. In this book, Robin Wall Kimmerer examines humans’ relationship to the natural world, as informed by her experiences as an indigenous woman (she is a member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation) and a botanist and professor of...
Poem: Behold
She told me she was afraid, afraid of growing old, her words had little meaning, these old words now retold. Spoken to me in a time, when years to come had not, those innocent words, only now thought. I wonder how she has aged, what kind of woman is she, is she still afraid of each year past, or does she cherish old memories like me. I hope the years were kind to her, that life did behold, she told me she was afraid, afraid of growing...
Rec summer camps accepting sign-ups
The city manager’s office sent out the City Manager’s Newsletter last Friday. The full newsletter can be found by going to and clicking the “Newsletter” button. Here are some highlights: Upcoming meetings City Council: May 10, 7 p.m.Planning Board: May 19, 7 p.m.These meetings are being held virtually via Zoom and are also live streamed via the City of Concord’s YouTube channel. Agendas and access information are...
This week in Concord history
May 6, 1967: Speaking in Manchester, Gen. Wallace Greene Jr., the top U.S. Marine, says America is winning the Vietnam War, “and I say that without any doubt whatsoever.” May 6, 1848: Colonel Dudley “Dud” Palmer, a leader of Concord’s temperance movement, puts forth a resolution requiring the town’s selectmen to enforce the laws against the sale of intoxicating drinks. It passes unanimously. May 6, 1799: Blazing Star...