City news: As winter nears, road projects wrapping up

Landscape plantings for the new Alder Creek culvert will occur in the early spring.
Landscape plantings for the new Alder Creek culvert will occur in the early spring.
The Birchdale Road Bridge Replacement Project has been completed slightly ahead of schedule and is open to traffic.
The Birchdale Road Bridge Replacement Project has been completed slightly ahead of schedule and is open to traffic.

The city manager’s office sent out the City Manager’s Newsletter last Friday. The full newsletter can be found by going to and clicking the “Newsletter” button. Here are some highlights:

Alder Creek culvert

Weaver Brothers Inc. has completed the culvert replacement project. The new precast bridge structure, complete with natural stream bed wildlife shelving, was open to traffic on Nov. 11. Landscape plantings will occur in the early spring of 2022 as weather permits. We appreciate the community’s patience during the construction period.

City meetings

City meetings are held in person in Council Chambers at 37 Green St. (unless otherwise specified on the city’s calendar). Upcoming meetings include:

Zoning Board of Adjustment: Dec. 1, 7 p.m.

City Council: Dec. 13, 7 p.m.

Planning Board: Dec. 15, 7 p.m.

Storrs Street parking garage

The contractor began painting the interior of the west stair tower (near O’s Steak and Seafood) on Nov. 11. The elevator will remain available to the public; however the stairs will be closed. The public is encouraged to use the north stair tower, near the Endicott Hotel (Live Juice) to access Main Street. The duration of the work is temperature dependent; however, it is anticipated that the new paint job will take approximately two weeks to complete.

Hoit/Whitney Road work

The contractor will be installing electrical conduit to feed the two new street lights at the roundabout on Whitney Road at Merchants Way. Whitney Road will be graded in preparation for paving the week of Nov. 22. All large commercial truck traffic shall use the new temporary access road, south of Merchants Way to access the Mobil Station. Traffic will be reduced to alternating one-way on Whitney Road.

Liberty Utilities work

Liberty Utilities will be working on the following gas main replacement projects, weather dependent.

Manchester Street, near Integra Drive and Airport Road intersection.

N. Main Street (Boutin Street intersection to Chapel Street), Pearl Street (full length), and Franklin Street (N. State to N. Main Street).

Watersense contest winners

Congratulations to the 2021 E-Z Pay for WaterSense contest winners: Andrew, Elizabeth, and Kim! We hope you enjoy your Shower Better Bundles that include an assortment of items to provide a luxurious water-saving shower experience, including an EPA WaterSense-labeled showerhead and eco-friendly products from Bona Fide. We hope these bundles will help you save water, energy, and possibly even money on your utility bills! Thank you to everyone that entered the contest and to our utility customers that enrolled in E-Z Pay and eBilling. We had great participation again this year and look forward to hosting this again next October!

Birchdale Road bridge work

The Birchdale Road Bridge Replacement Project has been completed slightly ahead of schedule and was opened to traffic on Nov. 11. Thanks to the community for their patience during this needed infrastructure investment that will serve the public for many years to come.

Fall leaf collection

Concord’s Fall Leaf Collection started on Nov. 1 with bulk leaf collection. Bagged leaf collection will start on Nov. 22.

Bulk Leaf Collection (Nov. 1 – Dec. 10): Bulk leaf collection started November 1 and continue as weather permits through December 10, focusing on residential areas within the City’s drainage system. Residents may rake leaves loosely to the curb for a one-time collection. Trackless leaf loaders are used, which requires residents to rake all leaves fully into the street so that leaves are reachable for collection with this equipment. Avoid piling leaves and keep leaves tight along the curb or edge of the road/sidewalk to keep streets clear. Please avoid on-street parking Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. until collection is completed on the street to not block access to leaves.

Three crews from Concord General Services’ Highway and Utilities Division are collecting leaves from different areas of the city. This year, crews started collection in the following areas: Crew 1 started at Blossom Hill Cemetery and is working south, crew 2 started on Elm Street in Penacook and is working south, and crew 3 started on Manchester Street and is working north. View the Fall Leaf Collection Crew Sector Map to see a city-wide map of where crews plan to collect for bulk collection, focusing on the City’s drainage system. Residents can also view the Fall Leaf Collection Map to see where crews have finished collecting.

Bulk collection is dependent upon the weather and will continue as possible through Dec. 10. Due to unpredictable weather conditions and leaf volumes, it is not possible to predict when crews will reach certain areas. It’s important to have leaves ready at the curb to not miss collection. Crews can only come by locations once and will not be able to return to areas already collected.

The area near Concord High School is the only area with a scheduled collection day. Residents in this area received bulk leaf collection yesterday. This area is collected each year on Veterans Day in coordination with the holiday school closure. It is done in consideration of public safety and to minimize public disturbance since it provides an opportunity for our crews to safely collect leaves with fewer vehicles in the area.

Residents are encouraged to have leaves ready, but to also be prepared for weather. Snow could possibly suspend collection, so residents should be prepared. Residents are encouraged to participate in the bagged collection program to guarantee collection (especially as the weather changes). Be proactive and bag leaves ahead of anticipated snow storms!

Bagged Leaf Collection (Nov. 22 – Dec. 10): Bagged leaf collection is returning on November 22 for residents with curbside trash collection and will continue for three weeks through December 10. The bagged program has been well received by residents that elect to participate in the program. The program provides an alternative method to dispose of leaves, while providing more predictability with a guaranteed weekly collection. Bagged collection is not weather dependent, unlike bulk leaf collection. Leaves must be placed in biodegradable yard waste bags and/or labeled rigid containers such as trash barrels. Leaves must be placed at the curb by 7 a.m. each Monday during bagged collection, regardless of your trash collection day. Bagged collection will not necessarily coincide with trash collection like it does in the spring due to variable leaf volumes at the curb. Leaves will be collected by the City’s solid waste contractor, Casella, and will be collected separately from trash and recycling. Although bagged collection is not weather dependent, be mindful of the weather and bag leaves early if necessary to avoid snow cover.

Alternative Options: An eco-friendly alternative is to mulch the leaves into your lawn. Residents also have the option to bring leaves to a local accepting farm or Gelinas Excavation & Earth Materials Recycling Center. Drop-off of leaves is free with proof of residency if the load is smaller than a non-commercial pick-up truck. Brush, branches, and limbs are not acceptable materials for the City’s leaf collection, but can be dropped off at Gelinas Excavation & Earth Materials Recycling Center for a nominal fee. Gelinas Excavation & Earth Materials Recycling Center is located at 10 Intervale Road, off Fort Eddy Road, and is open 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday hours will be available from 8 a.m. to noon, Nov. 20, and Dec. 4. No Saturday hours on Nov. 27 due to the Thanksgiving Day holiday. Hours are weather permitting and should be confirmed by calling them ahead of drop off.

Program Questions & Concerns: We realize bulk leaf collection faces some challenges, including: collecting leaves too early from an area before all the leaves have fallen, having to suspend collection before reaching all residents due to the onset of winter weather, and the uncertainty of when collection will occur due to unpredictable leaf volumes and weather conditions. However, we know bulk collection provides convenience and is an appreciated program. Adding the bagged collection in 2018 added an additional service to address the challenges of bulk collection while providing more predictability and opportunity for residents to participate in leaf collection. Find more information and read FAQs at

Author: Insider Staff

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