City Newsletter: Get books curbside, tax relief

The city manager’s office sent out the City Manager’s Newsletter last Friday. The full newsletter can be found by going to and clicking the “Newsletter” button. Here are some highlights:

City playgrounds open

With the governor lifting the stay at home order, the city’s playgrounds reopened on Tuesday, June 16. On Monday, June 15, Parks and Recreation Department staff inspected and thoroughly cleaned all the playgrounds. Playground guests are asked to continue to practice social distancing while using the equipment and to please keep children home if they are sick or not feeling well. There are playgrounds in the following parks: Reed, Rollins, Fletcher-Murphy, West Street, Thompson, White, Kimball, Garrison, Rolfe, Merrill and Keach. For more information on the Parks and Recreation Department, please visit their web site at

Summer Camp begins Monday, June 22; visit for more information. Registration deadline was June 16.

Adult tennis leagues meet at Memorial Field on either Tuesdays or Thursdays. Instruction provided by Pattu Pillai.

School Street garage

Exterior Masonry Repairs: Over the coming weeks, the contractor will be tackling brick masonry repairs on the exterior walls of the garage (east side of the garage). This work will take several weeks to complete.

Security Cameras:  As part of the project, security cameras were installed throughout the garage. The majority of cameras are now operational.

Lighting: With the project now nearing completion, the City is using available funds for additional lighting improvements inside the garage. Specifically, additional lighting will be added on first floor near Warren Street to brighten up some dark corners. Also, additional lighting will be added on each side of the elevator tower on Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4 to eliminate dark spots in those locations.  This work will be completed shortly.

South Stair Tower:  Installation of the glass curtain wall for the south stair tower is scheduled to begin on June 22. The work is scheduled to be completed on or about August 17. The tower will open to the public shortly thereafter.

Pedestrian Plaza: Starting Monday, June 15, we will begin pouring concrete in the pedestrian plaza area near the south stair tower (a.k.a. “Warren Street Stair Tower). The process will take approximately 3-5 days, weather permitting.

Schedule:  The project is tentatively scheduled to be completed around Labor Day.

Reopening reminder

Several city facilities are now open by appointment only. Please note that guests will be required to wear a mask (their own or one will be provided) and answer basic screening questions before entering the buildings. Steps taken to protect the public include mask usage by City employees, the installation of sneeze guards, hand sanitizer stations, and increased sanitization in City facilities.

Residents are still encouraged to utilize online services whenever possible. A table with a drop box, applications, and other information will continue to be setup inside the Code Administration lobby at 37 Green Street. There is also a mail slot in the front door of City Hall. More information is available in the videos that Concord TV helped us put together (see videos below).

Mail slot in front door of City Hall (41 Green Street):

Renewal of Motor Vehicle/Motorcycle/Trailer Registrations

New Motor Vehicle/Motorcycle/Trailer Registrations

Property Tax Payments

Utility Payments

Vital Record Requests

Dog Licensing Payments

Timber Tax Intent to Cut Applications and Reports

Gravel Tax Intent to Excavate Applications and Reports

Parking Ticket Payments

Utility, Driveway, Excavation & Encumbrance Permit Applications

Available in Code Administration Lobby (37 Green Street):

Building & Trades Permits

Building Plans / Reviews

Health & Licensing Applications

Zoning Board of Adjustment Applications

Sign Permit Applications

Planning Board Applications

The City of Concord thanks the public in advance for their cooperation in this process as we all navigate these unprecedented times. For more information, visit this web page

Library curbside program

Patrons can place items on hold with your library card and pick up when they are ready. You can place the hold online or call 225-8670. Have your card ready. Try to limit to five items per card. You will receive a all when your items are ready and can schedule a time to pick them up. When you arrive for your pick-up time, your itesm will be checked out and waiting for you on the pick-up table.

Pick-up times will be Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thursdays, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Hydrant flushing

Hydrant flushing will continue for several weeks in different areas of the city. Concord water customers should view the tentative flushing schedules below to determine when flushing is scheduled to occur in their area. Customers should remember to avoid doing laundry during their flushing time and to run their tap on cold to flush the lines if discoloration occurs.

Schedules are subject to change. Please visit to find updated information and verify scheduled flushing times as the season progresses.

Property tax relief program reminder

The Department of Revenue Administration’s New Hampshire Property Tax Relief Program deadline is June 30. Property owners who owned and resided in their homes on April 1, 2019 may apply to the State of New Hampshire for relief of a portion of the state education property tax.  There is no age requirement or asset limit for this program.  A single person whose total household income was $20,000 or less in 2019 and married persons or head of New Hampshire households with total household income of $40,000 or less in 2019 may apply.

Completed forms and documentation must be post marked no earlier than May 1, 2020 and no later than June 30, 2020 to the NH DRA, Taxpayer Services Division, PO Box 299, Concord, NH 03302-0299.  Applicants will need a copy of their final 2019 tax bill, that was sent in November, and a copy of their 2019 federal tax return. If the property is in a trust, a copy of the entire trust document must be submitted.  Questions about the program may be directed to the Revenue Administration at 603- 230-5920; press prompt 2. Hearing or speech impaired individuals may call TDD Access: Relay NH, 1-800-735-2964.

Applications for the State of New Hampshire’s Low and Moderate Income Homeowner’s Property Tax Relief program are available on the Department’s website at forms/2020/documents/dp-8-2019-print.pdf . The forms may be obtained on the City of Concord’s website at; on the Assessing Department page the link is on the left side of the screen under the Low & Moderate tax Relief. The forms may also be requested by calling 228-8550 or emailing between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday and leaving a message with your name, number, and address.

Author: Insider Staff

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