They wouldn’t let us in the dome, so what’s Brian Pfitzer’s secret?

As far as the eye can see is a real thing when you're in the dome.
As far as the eye can see is a real thing when you're in the dome.
Wow, those cars look so ... actually, they still look enormous even from up this high. Blame the 80s.
Wow, those cars look so ... actually, they still look enormous even from up this high. Blame the 80s.
Brian Pfitzer in the dome.
Brian Pfitzer in the dome.

The headline for these photos might be a little misleading, because we actually know the answer: the 80s. That’s when Pfitzer finagled his way into the very top portion of the dome, because the 80s was a time when you could ask someone to do something and it wouldn’t spark a national investigation. So Pfitzer, now of the Monitor circulation department, asked someone he knew who worked in or around the State House if he could peek inside the dome, and lo and behold, it happened. And we’re talking the very tippy-top.

Pictured are Pfitzer, looking rather dapper, if we do say so ourselves, as well as the views he had of the street and sprawling Concord while he was up there. We didn’t ask if he signed his name on the wall somewhere up there for posterity, but we know we would have if it was us. Anyway, Pfitzer’s a lucky guy, because it’s much harder to get into the dome these days – we were doing an entire issue on the thing recently and we were denied, for crying out loud. Something about “safety concerns” or some other stuff like that. Anyway, let’s all take a second to enjoy the breathtaking views from the top of Concord’s State House, and Pfitzer’s amazing vest-and-hat ensemble.

Author: Keith Testa

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