Let the Insiders be your Valentine’s Day guides

There’s over a week to go before the biggest love day of the year, that is unless you’re getting married in 2015, which means more than enough time to get things ready for that special someone in your life. Flowers, chocolate and dinner are the safe go-to pieces for the Valentine’s Day puzzle. We’re pretty sure you can do just about anything that has a hint of romance and your significant other will appreciate it.

Now we say “just about anything” because there are a few vibes that you probably want to stay away from. So like we’ve done so many times before, we came up with a way to save the day with a list Valentine’s Day don’ts to make sure you aren’t spending next year’ with someone else. Here are some helpful things to avoid saying:

∎ I was going to get you chocolate, but I know you’re watching your weight.

∎ I figured the flower shop would be out of flowers when I got there, so I just pulled up a picture of the flowers I wanted to get you on my phone. Pretty, huh?
∎ Is it really Valentine’s Day?

∎ My buddy Stinky Sal didn’t have anything to do tonight, so I invited him along. That’s cool with you, right?

∎ McDonalds has this great 20-piece chicken nugget meal for two. It could be romantic.

∎ I’m glad you aren’t one of those people who actually likes to celebrate Valentine’s Day and be all romantic. Hey, what are all these candles for?

∎ I have two controllers … what do you say we fire up a little Valentine’s Day couples Halo tournament?

∎ I thought our date last weekend counted.

∎ You look great. What’s the occasion?

∎ Can you believe someone broke into our house and stole your surprise?

∎ I mean, a dozen is kind of an estimate. And I don’t know why there are empty squares next to some of the chocolates.

∎ How was I supposed to know you’d be embarrassed if I threw on the Cupid costume and swung by your office?

Author: Keith Testa

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