City Briefly

Each week, City Manager Tom Aspell rips the city memo into tiny pieces and hides them around town to keep them from the network of spies he’s certain is following him. He’s right, and the spies find the memo first, bringing it to us for transcribing. Here it is!

Volunteers are overpaid

Seriously, $20.25 an hour?

The 23rd annual Pitch In to prepare the Audi for the 2013-14 season was a great success, Aspell writes. A total of 115 volunteers provided a total of 555 hours of labor, at a city-friendly rate of bupkis. But, using the United States Department of Labor values for volunteers ($20.25/hour), the Pitch In contributed $11,238.75 in labor support for the Audi. Projects included painting the lobby doors and outside trim, repairing damaged seats, placing vintage-looking gum under all front row chairs, refurbishing the stage curtains and upgrading the sound system.

No steps forward

Stairs still there, for now

Reconstruction of the City Hall stairs, which was to have begun Sept. 23, has been delayed until Oct. 2, Aspell writes. Preparation for the upcoming job is a step-by-step process, according to official pun reports.

This work is expected to take approximately four weeks to complete. While the steps are under construction, the public and city staff will be detoured to the side door of City Hall. Electronic signs with detour information will not be present, because you’ll basically be walking a few feet around the corner.

The mail slot on the front door of City Hall will not be available during this time, either. Payments may be made at the collections office or placed in the drop box in the lobby during normal business hours, unless 3 a.m. is when you normally conduct business, or online at or by mail.

Paving jargon is hard

Pavement is hard, too

This week, the contractor will complete driveway pavement joint trimming and final preparation for the full width wear course pavement overlay, Aspell writes. Obviously, we don’t have to tell you what a full width wear course pavement overlay is. But could someone tell us?

The paving is tentatively scheduled for Oct. 2, which is tentatively the day after Oct. 1. Paving the main line of North State Street between Abbottville Road and Penacook Street will take about two days to complete. After completion of the main line paving, work will progress to paving of the driveway aprons. Paved aprons provide much better protection against food stains in the kitchen than traditional cloth aprons. 

Significant delays are to be expected during roadway paving operations. Significant driver frustration is also expected. Drivers are encouraged to seek an alternate route if possible.

Author: Ben Conant

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