Young love

Little kids are hysterical. They're even funnier when they talk about love. Last week, the Insider ventured down to Kimball-Walker school to ask a crop of third-graders what they thought about L-O-V-E. Here are their responses.

Sophie Brandt, age 9

Do you have a boyfriend?
“Some people in our school like to date. Some people in third grade do but I’m not one of them.”

How do you tell someone you love them?
“They try to keep it a secret, that’s what most kids in our school do. They really don’t tell the other person.
There’s this boy in my class named [redacted], and he’s had a crush on me since last year, and he just admits it and screams it out at school, and just says it to me and my friends!”

What's the perfect gift?
“Candy, chocolate.”

Who do you love?
“My bunny.”

Do you love Valentine's Day?
“Sort of, not as far as dating goes, but I like receiving stuff.”

Will you ever get married?
“No. Not right now. Maybe someday when I’m older I’ll change my mind. . . . It’s hard to tell when you’re in third grade. You’ve got a long life ahead of you.”

Sunday Quayle, age 8

What is love?
“Love is basically being together, and I guess caring for each other.”

Who do you love?
“My dad and my mom and brothers, I guess. My grandparents.”

How do you write a perfect Valentine's Day card?
“I usually just make a homemade card with hearts and stuff on it, like hearts with names on the back.”

Will you get married someday?
“Mmm, yeah, probably will.”

What's a good age to get married?
“I think around 20.”

Tristan Sharich, age 9

How do you tell someone you love them?
“Here’s what my sister does: she gives me pictures. She does random stuff, she draws stuff, she’s only five years old so…”

How do you write the perfect Valentine's Day card?
” I usually just get them from the store.”

What would you do if your crush called you on the phone?
“I’d be kind of freaked out.”

Who do you love?
“I love my whole family.”

Will you ever get married?
“No. My sister says she won’t but I know she probably will.”

What would you do if someone told you they loved you?
“Freak out, faint, punch myself.”

Angelo Gray, age 9

What is love?
“When you’re happy when you’re with someone.”

How do you write the perfect Valentine's Day card?
“Um, you write 'I love you'?”

Who do you love?
“My family.”

Any Hollywood celebrities you love?
“Megan Fox.”

Ella Doherty, age 8

How do you tell someone you love them?
“Well, my brother, we made this fort, and he will snuggle next to me. . . . If i did tell someone, I would probably write a note, but then I wouldn’t sign my name because I would be too embarrassed.”

What is the perfect date?
“The beach?”

Who do you love?
“My mom and dad.”

Will you ever get married?
” No.”

Any Hollywood celebrities you love?
“My friend’s mom likes Zac Efron.”

Do you love the Insider?
“I only look at the pictures and the words below the pictures and I never read any stories or anything.”

What would you do if someone told you they loved you?
“Run away.”

Gavin Graham, age 9

What is love?
“I think love is when you attend to and you’re really really close to each other.”

What is it like to be in love?
“Romantic love is like when you’re going out on dates with each other and like, a kiss kiss dinner. Like when you’re in college, and you take a girl on a date.”

Where would you go on a date?
“Take her to a Chinese food restaurant.”

How do you tell someone you love them?
“You say, 'I love ‘em.' And by making something really special for them.”

Who do you love?
“My parents and reptiles.”

What's the perfect gift for someone you love?
“Maybe a baby chameleon because they’re so cute. Definitely not a red-tailed boa because I’d be afraid of it choking her.”

Isabella Zayas, age 8

How do you tell someone you love them?
“I’d tell them that I was affectionate about them.”

What's a good romantic gift?
“A box of chocolates.”

Who do you love?
“My mom.”

What qualities do you look for in a partner?
“A good sense of humor, and (someone who) loves animals.”

Johanne Nichols, age 8

Who do you love?
“My parents and Sofie and Lenny and sort of my little brother but sometimes he’s a maniac.”

Max Van Fleet, age 8

How would you ask someone on a date?
“I’m not allowed to date anyone until I’m 16. I would, like, ask her if she wanted to be my girlfriend or something like that. I don’t know, it might change because I have another 8 years to go.”

How would you tell someone you loved them?
“I would probably give them, like, a card because (if she came to my house) my dad makes me do embarrassing things sometimes, like put underwear on my head.”

Who do you love?
“My mom.”

Will you ever get married?
“I’m not gonna plan on it right now, because my dad said 'Think about right now, not 15 years from now.' “

What's a good age to get married?
“I think 21.”

What qualities do you look for in a partner?
“A good sense of humor.”

Maya Fabozzi, age 8

What is love?
“I would think it to be when you’ve known someone for a long time and you’ve been very good friends with them. That’s my idea of what love is.”

How do you write a perfect Valentine's Day card?
“Your true love says hi.”

Who do you love?
“Well, of course my family.”

Will you ever get married?
“Probably, but when I’m a lot older.”

What do you look for in a partner?
“Someone who doesn’t try to change themself, and someone that just tries to be themself.”

What is the perfect Valentine's Day gift?
“A Wonka Waterfall.”

Myles Muir, age 8

What is love?
“It's caring for each other, and liking somebody…? I don't know.”

What if someone called to tell you they loved you?
“I would probably say, 'Okay then, bye.' “

What's the perfect date?
“The movies. Batman.”

What qualities do you look for in a partner?
“A home…and jobs, and a car.”

Reyer Bliss, age 8

What is love?
“A man and a woman…married?”

What's the perfect Valentine's Day gift?
“Candy, some kind of chocolate.”

Who do you love?
“My mom and dad.”

Do you love Valentine's Day?
“I know what day it is, but…”

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Author: Amy Augustine

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