Ask the Elders: Animal comparisons

Dear Elders, If you could be an animal, what animal would you be and why?
Suzy Zoo

Casper Kranenburg
Dear Zoo Suzy,
Your question could lead to a long time of self reflecting and pondering and since you gave me the option of choosing to be any animal, I want to be a fly on the wall. It must be the most exciting thing in the world to be able to see and hear everything and everywhere and nobody knows you are there watching and listening. What power, what supremacy!

Bill Twibill
Dear Sexy Suzy,
What else but a chipmunk! Think about it – I am in Disney movies, people think we’re cute, funny and run very fast. I wake up in early spring and start looking for a chip-ette to make a family. We usually have 18 little chippies every season – lots of amour – we thrive on gardens full of tomatoes, squash, flower bulbs, leafy veggies, acorns and many other goodies that the humans plant just for us. We run too fast for them to catch us. Then we store all our food in our underground garden homes and sleep the winter away, waking up every so often to munch on some of our goodies and a quick visit to the loo.
We’re so cute and put on such a fun show all summer long that you can’t wait for us to come back year after year after year after year.

Jan Stickler
Dear Suzy,
I would be a hummingbird! I think they lead a delightful life. They flit from flowers and feeders, sampling nectar, zipping around in the sunshine, hiding I know not where in the rain. They have incredible speed as they dart about, but they can also remain almost stationary due to the speed of their beating wings. In fact, sometimes you can’t even see their wings; you just hear them.
I think they are one of nature’s marvels. But what I think I’d like best about being a hummingbird is that when the first cold breeze reached me, I would already be on my way to my southern winter vacation. Azores anyone?

Roioli Schweiker
Dear Suzy,
Otters always seem so sleek and furry. They enjoy sliding down river banks or tobogganing on the snow. Their fur coats must really keep them warm.
I could see their footprints where they took a running start and then slid on down the hill, and they often were ping and chasing each other when I was paddling by.

Steve Leavenworth
Dear Suzy,
I think the tiger is the most stunning animal. Fierce, beautiful and cuddly. I’m a cat person anyway, so might as well go for broke!

Author: kmackenzie

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