Ask the Tweens: What makes parents cool?

Dear Tweens, What makes your parents cool or uncool? Is it important? Why?

Emily Hewey
Most parents are embarrassing, like mine, for example. I know that my parents are going to read this, but I am not afraid to share what I think about them. I love them and my parents are cool most of the time.
When my parents are cool, they let me go places with my friends. On the other hand, it makes me frustrated to hear them say that I can’t go anywhere.
I think it’s important that my parents are cool and uncool. In my opinion, my mom and dad are pretty cool. They let me do lots of things, but not all of the time. It’s also good to have uncool parents because my parents tell me funny things, and they might use a little embarrassment to amuse themselves. So, enjoy your parents no matter how cool they are. I have learned that very well.

Nate Hollins
Okay, the ordinary parent: Annoying, always butting into your conversations and always asking, “What did you do at school today, Honey?”
A cool parent (to me) is when they don’t bug you all of the time. They kind of just leave you be, most of the time. Like when you get your first girlfriend or boyfriend, they’re like “Aaawww, your first love!”
But when it all comes out, your parents are the best people you could have in your life, even if they do bug you all the time. My parents are cool because they don’t bug me too much, but they show me that they love me and let me grow up to be myself.

Ben Heifetz
In general, parents are pretty cool people. Sometimes kids really want a break. The reason is because kids growing up want to show more maturity in front of their parents and their peers.
Is it important? Yes, in most conditions it is good to have cool parents, and I cannot think of any benefits of having uncool parents. The reason is because if your parents are uncool, it may not hurt the kid’s social life as much as it hurts what they think people say about them. This is a common phobia for kids of all ages.

Lexie Perlow
No matter who your parents are, they all have something quirky and unusual about them, but that doesn’t make them uncool. I think that my parents and other parents have certain qualities that make them cool people. Even if the qualities are uncool, like embarrassing their kids, you should appreciate them. Uncool qualities complete the people and make them who they are. Being unique and uncool is pretty cool to me.

Rowan Ferrier
I don’t think you could classify parents as cool or uncool. My parents give me all of the things I need and more. They keep me from staying up too late and doing stupid things that would get me into trouble. What good would it be to have cool parents who let you do stupid things? Kids say that if your parents buy you all the cool stuff, that makes them cool, but I have to disagree. I don’t have every single cool thing there is, and my parents are still pretty awesome in my book.

Matt Dube
My parents are cool. Parents are cool if they are nice and are careful about what they say around you and your friends. They are also cool when they just are nice around you at home. They may ask you what you want for dinner, so you become happy. No one likes to be unhappy.
I’m glad that my parents don’t drag me to places that I don’t want to go, like the store, hiking, parent conferences. That would make them uncool.

Hannah Linquata
I honestly think that it’s not important to have cool parents. All parents have their cool and uncool moments. I know my parents do!
Most of the time my parents are cool, but every once in a while they do something really embarrassing and not cool. If my parents were cool all the time, I would be worried about them.

Author: kmackenzie

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