Ask the Tweens: Summer plans

Dear Tweens, What is the best thing for teens to do in Concord during the summer? What are your plans? How do you keep busy?

Racheal Ramsey
In Concord, we basically hang with friends, go to the pool, eat ice cream, go to the pool, visit family, go to the pool and maybe even go to the pool with friends while visiting family. I like to drink lemonade and eat food off of the grill. That is one of our classic days in the summer for my family. Sometimes we go to my grandparents’. But most of the time, my friends and I get together and have extreme water fights. By the time we get done, it looks like it’s rained for weeks.

Katy Hochberg
One of the best things to do during a hot summer day is, of course, swimming. Escaping to a beach, or just going to the Rollins Park pool is always a great way to cool off and have tons of fun. Plus, it’s a way to show off your new bikini or swim trunks.
I’ve already got plans for swimming, camp, and friends, so I’ll be busy this summer!

Seimou Smith
This is Seimou, AKA Shampoo. I’ve been waiting for another question this week because it’s been a long time and I know that my fans miss me. Now for that question: If you live in Concord and you’re a teenager, then the best thing to do in the summer is to go swimming with your friends because Concord can get hot in the summer. My plans are just that. I’m going to hang with my friends, stay out of trouble and go swimming. To keep busy, I go outside and play sports with my friends. Well, if that’s all you want to know, then I’m off! Next time, don’t keep me waiting for another question.

Phoebe Van Gelder
Two things: water and green grass. I love going to the ocean with ice-cold water on a burning hot day and playing Frisbee or lying on green grass. My father and I are also trying to find plane tickets so we can visit a friend during August. Wahoo! Summer time!

Kassie Happenny
Well, my birthday is in June and my family celebrates it in July, so my celebration takes up a lot of summer. My sister goes away for two weeks in the Army Reserve, so I’ll hang out with her friend until she comes back. Then we will probably go fishing or something like that, and I also go to camp. My vacation is pretty packed with fun. In Concord, kids can go bowling, swimming at the parks or go downtown for Market Days. That is lots of fun.

Elizabeth Donlon
During the summer I like to swim and just hang with friends. Chuckster’s is a fun place to go to, especially because they are adding a lot of new things, like go-carts.
I also go camping a lot. I plan to go camping with my family. I do a lot of day camps for sports and other things. Keeping busy isn’t really hard for me. I plan a lot of stuff to do, and my summers are filled with fun.

Author: The Concord Insider

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