Ask the Tweens: Exercise

Dear Tweens, With watching TV, playing video games and talking on the phone, how do you find the time to get enough exercise?

Holly Grace
It is hard to find time to exercise, but most tweens manage. I have to limit my TV time so that I can get what I need done and maybe get some exercise. I also don’t play video games because there is never enough time.
Although I talk and text on my phone a bit too much, I am able to multitask and get other things done so I can have time to exercise. It helps to join a sport that has a set practice time so you need to make space in your schedule for it. It is very hard to find time for exercise, but if you minimize TV and video games, you can do it.
Holly Grace

Elizabeth Donlon
I do not like video games and I don’t talk on the phone. So, after school, I do my homework, then eat dinner, then go for a run or go to practice for whatever sport I am doing that season. After, I take a shower and then I watch TV and go to bed. So I make time for TV and exercise.
Elizabeth Donlon

Jacob Bemis
Today’s electronics are very distracting. Kids are more focused on the market’s hot new product. When they use the products, they risk becoming overweight.
I, on the other hand, do the same thing, but when the day is beautiful, I go outside with my friends and play as much as I can. It’s not just RV, video games, iPods, etc. Schools are affecting kids becoming overweight because they don’t give enough recess, which makes kids get a bigger brain, but they also get bigger. Physical education teachers are trying to help kids get more active and stay healthy as much as possible.
We need fewer hot new products and more recess. And . . . lay off the McDonalds.
Jake Bemis

Phoebe Van Gelder
Dear Fitness freaky,
Tons of video games actually require you to move and exercise, such as the Wii Fit, and also we have gym class in school. In many families, including mine, times are set to go to a place like the YMCA to exercise. We try to go multiple times a week.
Phizi (Phoebe)

Abbie Painchaudstrong>
I use most of my time productively. I am not on the phone much, but I watch TV. Exercise is important because it keeps you healthy. I do 5½ hours of dance a week and that is what I do for exercise. Dance comes before TV because it’s good exercise and I have made a commitment to go. When I am done with dance and homework, that is when I watch TV, if I have time.
Abbie Painchaud

Kassi Happenny
I don’t watch TV a lot or talk on the phone, but I do play video games with my older sister. I really like to spend this time with my sister, Meaghan, because she is lots of fun. I always have time to play with my dog, but sometimes I just don’t feel like going outside. My dog, Noel, loves the soccer ball, so when she sees it, she whines at my feet!!! She makes me get my exercise.
Kassi Happenny

Author: The Concord Insider

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