Boot camp for leaders

This year’s Capital Area Student Leadership (CASL) group, an initiative of the Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce, recently attended a session at the Monitor. We took advantage of the students’ proximity and made them fill out a questionnaire. It’s what we do.
CASL is open to high school sophomores who live in the Concord area. The program is meant to give teens hands-on experience and instruction in becoming active leaders in their schools and communities.

It all got started back in 1994, when the chamber of commerce’s business and education committee, under the leadership of then board member Helen Hamilton, spent a year researching student leadership groups around the country. The model in place today mirrors the chamber’s adult leadership program, just squeezed into a shorter time period. These kids do have social lives, after all.

Here’s how it works: Interested students fill out an application detailing their school and community involvement, as well as identifying assets and challenges of the region and proposed improvements. It’s like having an extra homework assignment, so you know these kids are dedicated simply by virtue of their filling out the application.

Then, the students are interviewed at their schools before a final decision is made. This year’s decision-making process was especially tough, with 60 students in the running for 24 slots.
The group first met at a welcome reception in February at Northeast Delta Dental, the program’s sponsor. The chamber’s citizen of the year, Bob Larsen, spoke on leadership and community service. At the beginning of March, a retreat/orientation was held by CHS guidance counselor Mike Curtin at Camp Spaulding in Penacook.

Students then participated in three day-long sessions, each with a theme. The first, focusing on history and culture, included tours of Red River Theatres, the Capitol Center for the Arts and the NH Historical Society, with speakers in-between.

For communication day, students came to the Monitor. They presented speeches, took a a tour of the building and listened to speakers on topics like ethics and new media.
The last session focused on justice and the courts. Students visited the Concord District Court, Merrimack County Superior Court (where they participated in a mock trial) and the Merrimack County Department of Corrections. The day wrapped up at Delta Dental where a graduation ceremony was held to commemorate the end of the program. City councilor Dan St. Hilaire gave the keynote speech.

According to Becky Kinhan, communications manager for the Chamber of Commerce, “The students tend to form a special bond that lasts over their high school years, and this year’s class already has plans to stay in touch through Facebook, and they’ll meet up again in the fall at the CASL reunion where the mayor speaks and they review the goals they identified at the end of this program – both personal and community-oriented goals.”
See, readers? It’s like one, big happy, educated family.

A word about the questionnaires: Many of the students seemed to be using this as an opportunity to practice filling out college entrance forms, and gave us very serious answers. Their level of professionalism has the unfortunate effect of making us look bad, but we forgive them for that.

As a measure of goodwill, we present to you, readers, their insightful comments.

Ryan O’Hara
15, Allenstown, Pembroke Academy

Why did you apply to be a part of the student leadership program? Did you parents hand you the application? I thought it would be a great experience. No, but my mom saw it in the newspaper and a day later, my guidance counselor gave me the application.
What’s your favorite place in Concord? Borders.
What’s something you think is missing in Concord? A French-style restaurant.
Being a leader is a lot like being a superhero. What would your leadership power be? Super loud voice powers so everyone will know what’s happening.
Is there a local leader you’d like to meet? What would your ideal day with that leader look like? I would like to meet Jeanne Shaheen. We would go to a middle school to tell them about high school and why high school makes a difference in your attitude and why you should take it seriously.
Tom Aspell really likes it when we call him T-Spell in print. When you’re famous, what should we call you? Ryhno, because I’m strong headed.

Courtney Garside
15, Allenstown, Pembroke Academy

Why did you apply to be a part of the student leadership program? Did your parents hand you the application? My guidance counselor gave me the application. I applied because I thought it would be a good experience.
What’s your favorite place in Concord? My favorite place in Concord is the Capitol Center for the Arts.
What’s something you think is missing in Concord? Concord is missing a place for young kids to go and have fun.
Being a leader is a lot like being a superhero. What would your leadership power be? My leadership power would be super-speaking power.
Is there a local leader you’d like to meet? What would your ideal day with that leader look like? My ideal day with a leader would be being able to sit down and ask why they decide to do the things they do.
Tom Aspell really likes it when we call him T-Spell in print. When you’re famous, what should we call you? Garside.

Alex Coffin
15, Concord, Concord High School

Why did you apply to be a part of the student leadership program? Did your parents hand you the application? My guidance counselor recommended it.
What’s your favorite place in Concord? Conservation Center.
What’s something you think is missing in Concord? A nightlife.
Being a leader is a lot like being a superhero. What would your leadership power be? Fly and magic hat.
Is there a local leader you’d like to meet? What would your ideal day with that leader look like? Dean Kamen. My ideal day with him would include a tour of his high-tech house and a Segway tour of NH. All of NH.
Tom Aspell really likes it when we call him T-Spell in print. When you’re famous, what should we call you? Al Coffin.

Garrett Stuart
15, Concord, Concord High School

Why did you apply to be a part of the student leadership program? Did your parents hand you the application? I applied because I was interested in the doors/opportunities CASL could open. Also, I thought it could make me a more well rounded person. Yes, my parents helped me a little with the essay.
What’s your favorite place in Concord? Red River Theatres.
What’s something you think is missing in Concord? A better mall.
Being a leader is a lot like being a superhero. What would your leadership power be? To be a good listener, state my opinion and then come up with a plan using everyone’s ideas that will conquer the problem the best.
Is there a local leader you’d like to meet? What would your ideal day with that leader look like? Matt Bonner. I’d talk to him about how hard he worked to reach where he is and I’d ask if he had any advice for me.
Tom Aspell really likes it when we call him T-Spell in print. When you’re famous, what should we call you? Gyser Garrett.

Morgan Matthews
15, Boscawen, Merrimack Valley High School

Why did you apply to be a part of the student leadership program? Did your parents hand you the application? I applied for CASL because I enjoy being involved in my community, and the best way I can better my community is by improving upon my leadership skills. So, when I heard about this program, I marched down to guidance and requested a form.
What’s your favorite place in Concord? My favorite place in Concord is Walker School – the elementary school that I attended until third grade.
Is there a local leader you’d like to meet? What would your ideal day with that leader look like? I would love to be able to meet Sylvia Larsen. I have seen her a few times at BPW meetings, but have never actually met her.
Tom Aspell really likes it when we call him T-Spell in print. When you’re famous, what should we call you? I shall be called the Morganator. This name was adopted from my cross-country coach in eighth grade, and has given me identity ever since.

Cam Nowack
16, Concord, Concord High School

Why did you apply to be a part of the student leadership program? Did your parents hand you the application? My guidance counselor said it was a great opportunity to learn about Concord and to learn valuable skills for the rest of my life.
What’s your favorite place in Concord? The in-town neighborhoods, where all my friends live, and by the parks.
What’s something you think is missing in Concord? A youth district.
Being a leader is a lot like being a superhero. What would your leadership power be? Persuasion.
Is there a local leader you’d like to meet? What would your ideal day with that leader look like? The owner or manager of a Concord-based activity or business.
Tom Aspell really likes it when we call him T-Spell in print. When you’re famous, what should we call you? That guy who did all those cool things.

Will Sheffer
15, Bow, Bow High School

Why did you apply to be a part of the student leadership program? Did your parents hand you the application? I applied to sharpen my leadership skills so I can better serve my community. My mom suggested that I apply, but there was no pressure.
What’s your favorite place in Concord? My two favorite places in Concord are Red River Theatres and the park outside the capitol building.
What’s something you think is missing in Concord? A good café that is targeted to youth and is youth friendly.
Being a leader is a lot like being a superhero. What would your leadership power be? My leadership skill would be the ability to make crowds peaceful, calm and tranquil. (Ed. – Have you noticed a crowd control problem in town?)
Is there a local leader you’d like to meet? What would your ideal day with that leader look like? I would like to meet Gov. John Lynch or Dem. majority leader Sylvia Larsen. I would like to eat lunch with them and discuss the great aspects of NH and the poor aspects of NH.
Tom Aspell really likes it when we call him T-Spell in print. When you’re famous, what should we call you? W.C. Sheffer, like M.C. Hammer.

Meghan Sargent
15, Bedford, Bishop Brady High School

Why did you apply to be a part of the student leadership program? Did your parents hand you the application? I applied because some of my friends who had participated in the program said that it was a good opportunity.
What’s your favorite place in Concord? Main Street.
What’s something you think is missing in Concord? Well-used public transportation and accessibility to tourism.
Being a leader is a lot like being a superhero. What would your leadership power be? My leadership power would be listening and understanding people.
Is there a local leader you’d like to meet? What would your ideal day with that leader look like? I would like to meet the governor because he leads our state. I would like to have lunch and talk about his views of the state and then have him show me his favorite places.

Kaila Barry
16, Salisbury, Merrimack Valley High School

Why did you apply to be a part of the student leadership program? Did your parents hand you the application? Because I enjoy leading, and it’s a great experience. I got my application from a teacher. Also, I don’t thin kyou can ever be a perfect leader, so little things like this really give you a jump start for future times.
What’s your favorite place in Concord? Concord Dance Academy, where I dance.
What’s something you think is missing in Concord? Nothing. I think Concord contains everything a good city would.
Being a leader is a lot like being a superhero. What would your leadership power be? Super speaking skills.
Is there a local leader you’d like to meet? What would your ideal day with that leader look like? I would like to meet the governor and maybe have lunch with him and learn what he has to do to be a good leader for our state. I’d also like to hear about tough decisions he makes.
Tom Aspell really likes it when we call him T-Spell in print. When you’re famous, what should we call you? Kaila for now because nicknames usually come from something famous you do. So my nickname will come with time.

Andrea Pickering
15, Concord, Concord High School

Why did you apply to be a part of the student leadership program? Did your parents hand you the application? I applied for CASL because I thought it would be a great opportunity to learn more about my community and the strengthen my leadership skills and ability.
What’s your favorite place in Concord? I really enjoy being in downtown Concord – the brick buildings and cute shops with the State House nearby and easy access to most of your needs.
What’s something you think is missing in Concord? I think that places should be open longer to keep everything going and encourage community at night, which is the only time some people can be involved.
Being a leader is a lot like being a superhero. What would your leadership power be? My power would be communicating personally and experiencing things before I get involved.

Rachel Grady
15, Hopkinton, Hopkinton High School

Why did you apply to be a part of the student leadership program? Did your parents hand you the application? I got a note in my mailbox that told me about CASL and I wanted to learn more. I had heard from a friend that it was very informative.
What’s your favorite place in Concord? Red River Theatres.
What’s something you think is missing in Concord? A better mall. (Ed. – Seriously . . . when is Steeplegate going to get Sephora and H&M?)
Being a leader is a lot like being a superhero. What would your leadership power be? Good public speaking skills, good questions to ask.
Is there a local leader you’d like to meet? What would your ideal day with that leader look like? Matt Bonner – we would play basketball.

Melyssa Rowell
16, Deerfield, Concord High School

Why did you apply to be a part of the student leadership program? Did your parents hand you the application? I hadn’t really heard of the class, but my mom brought it up and it sounded fun. I went on the Internet to read more and thought of all the benefits I could gain from participating in the program. My mom is also in the adult leadership program.
What’s your favorite place in Concord? I really like the high school. Being from Deerfield, it is the basis for my Concord connection and memories. I also like downtown. The old buildings are very unique and historic.
Being a leader is a lot like being a superhero. What would your leadership power be? If I were a leader with super leadership powers, I would want super understanding and communication being a leader.

Katie Copp
15, Penacook, Merrimack Valley High School

Why did you apply to be a part of the student leadership program? I believe that everyone should be an active learner throughout their lives. This opportunity has allowed for me to achieve this. What’s your favorite place in Concord? Capitol Center for the Arts.
What’s something you think is missing in Concord? Diverse and inexpensive activities for families to enjoy together where they can interact with each other.
Being a leader is a lot like being a superhero. What would your leadership power be? The power to keep everyone adequately fed, clothed and loved. (Ed – Geesh, Katie, you’re making us tear up here.)
Is there a local leader you’d like to meet? What would your ideal day with that leader look like? The mayor – I’d go through their day with them.
Tom Aspell really likes it when we call him T-Spell in print. When you’re famous, what should we call you? Kt Copp the Bop. My old gymnastics instructor always called me that.

Lily Weyant
16, Salisbury, Merrimack Valley High School

Why did you apply to be a part of the student leadership program? I was told by a teacher that I should do this program. I never viewed myself as a leader before, but I now see I possess many of the qualities that one needs.
What’s your favorite place in Concord? Capitol Center for the Arts, where the dance academy I attend performs.
Being a leader is a lot like being a superhero. What would your leadership power be? My power would be my ability to understand and take things into consideration.
Is there a local leader you’d like to meet? What would your ideal day with that leader look like? I would like to meet the governor and ask him what struggles he went through in order to achieve his goals.
Tom Aspell really likes it when we call him T-Spell in print. When you’re famous, what should we call you? Lily for now. Nicknames are something that grows on you.

Emalie Koulouras
15, Pittsfield, Pittsfield Middle High School

Why did you apply to be a part of the student leadership program? I applied because my American Government teacher recommended me and said it would be good for me.
What’s your favorite place in Concord? Red River Theatres.
What’s something you think is missing in Concord? Starbucks . . . unless you have one. I’m not from here, so I wouldn’t know. (Ed. – Ask and you shall receive! There’s one on Loudon Road, next to Shaw’s.)
Being a leader is a lot like being a superhero. What would your leadership power be? I would choose to have super growth powers so I could grow to see over the podium to give a speech.
Is there a local leader you’d like to meet? What would your ideal day with that leader look like? Probably John Lynch. We would go bowling, just because that would be cool.
Tom Aspell really likes it when we call him T-Spell in print. When you’re famous, what should we call you? I don’t think I can top T-Spell, but I would probably be called Emalie, Em or anything that sounds cool.

Shannon Daley
16 Weare, John Stark Regional High School

Why did you apply to be a part of the student leadership program? I applied because I had been to NYLSC (National Young Leaders State Conference) and loved it and didn’t want to miss a chance like that again.
What’s your favorite place in Concord? Capitol Center for the Arts.
What’s something you think is missing in Concord? A place for teens to hang out.
Being a leader is a lot like being a superhero. What would your leadership power be? My leadership power would be being able to make people understand what I want them to without much work.
Is there a local leader you’d like to meet? What would your ideal day with that leader look like? John Lynch. I’d take him to an art gallery.
Tom Aspell really likes it when we call him T-Spell in print. When you’re famous, what should we call you? Shanigans.

Kelsi Pearl
17, Bow, Parker Academy

Why did you apply to be a part of the student leadership program? Did your parents hand you the application? I applied for the leadership program because my principal gave us the application and told us about it. I thought it looked fun and interesting.
What’s your favorite place in Concord? My favorite place in Concord is either Red Apple Buffet or the mall.
What’s something you think is missing in Concord? I think what we need is a hangout, with movies, music, etc.
Being a leader is a lot like being a superhero. What would your leadership power be? I think my power would be to make things better.
Is there a local leader you’d like to meet? What would your ideal day with that leader look like? A leader I look up to would be Avril Lavigne, friends, family and my boyfriend.
Tom Aspell really likes it when we call him T-Spell in print. When you’re famous, what should we call you? If I was famous, I think I would want people to call me by my name and maybe a nickname I like.

John Wescott
15, Hopkinton, Hopkinton High School

Why did you apply to be a part of the student leadership program? I wanted to expand my knowledge of our local community and be the best citizen and leader I can be.
What’s your favorite place in Concord? The Main Street community.
What’s something you think is missing in Concord? More programs like CASL and things like it that will change the future.
Being a leader is a lot like being a superhero. What would your leadership power be? My leadership ability would be to make people realize what differences THEY can make.
Is there a local leader you’d like to meet? What would your ideal day with that leader look like? The great thing about New Hampshire is the leaders are local and involved in the community. So I have already met most of them.
Tom Aspell really likes it when we call him T-Spell in print. When you’re famous, what should we call you? A lot of my friends call my Johnny instead of John, like my family did when I was younger.

Casey Timmerman
15, Concord, Concord High School

Why did you apply to be a part of the student leadership program? I applied to learn more about being a leader.
What’s your favorite place in Concord? I love the park, but also the feeling of downtown. It’s just nice to be there.
What’s something you think is missing in Concord? There are not enough places for arts like the CCA and Red River. There should be a place more art.
Being a leader is a lot like being a superhero. What would your leadership power be? The power to motivate people and guide them through things without being oppressive or too serious.
Is there a local leader you’d like to meet? What would your ideal day with that leader look like? The governor, of course! The day would be professional, sure, but fun, too! It wouldn’t be cut and dry or just an interview. It would be a good conversation and it would be fun.
Tom Aspell really likes it when we call him T-Spell in print. When you’re famous, what should we call you? You could just call me Casey, or KC, unless you find a better nickname . . .

Elizabeth Hodges
15, Bow, Bow High School

Why did you apply to be a part of the student leadership program? My American Studies teacher said to look at the application and find someone who did it last year, our guidance counselor told us about it and my mom asked me try it out. I applied to communicate with others and be a stronger leader.
What’s your favorite place in Concord? The Annichiarico Theater and the Capitol Center for the Arts.
What’s something you think is missing in Concord? Communication with teenagers.
Being a leader is a lot like being a superhero. What would your leadership power be? A communicator with politics because teenagers should be interested in what’s happening in government.
Is there a local leader you’d like to meet? What would your ideal day with that leader look like? I would either spend the day with Becky Kinhan or Gov. John Lynch, seeing how they handled their day – Gov. Lynch with the bills and Mrs. Kinhan how she organizes everything.
Tom Aspell really likes it when we call him T-Spell in print. When you’re famous, what should we call you? Probably Lizard or Lizzy.

Caroline Connolly
16, Concord, Concord High School

Why did you apply to be a part of the student leadership program? I wanted to have an experience with peers and adults that are intelligent and appreciative and participate in a program that is beyond our classic school’s teaching. It is different, inspiring and enriching.
What’s something you think is missing in Concord? A night life for teens, especially.
Is there a local leader you’d like to meet? What would your ideal day with that leader look like? Christa McAuliffe because she had courage and enthusiasm to do something different – and lost her life because of it.
Tom Aspell really likes it when we call him T-Spell in print. When you’re famous, what should we call you? Caroline Connolly, the name I have always been known as in my life.

Olivia Bergen
15, Bow, Bow High School

Why did you apply to be a part of the student leadership program? I heard about it from a guidance counselor and decided to apply.
What’s your favorite place in Concord? Main Street, especially in the summer.
What’s something you think is missing in Concord? Nothing – I love the small-city charm.
Being a leader is a lot like being a superhero. What would your leadership power be? Super confidence to lead myself and others.
Is there a local leader you’d like to meet? What would your ideal day with that leader look like? Robert Frost, a leader in poetry. We’d have a relaxing day full of conversation, spending time in nature and writing poetry.
Tom Aspell really likes it when we call him T-Spell in print. When you’re famous, what should we call you? Olive!

Emily Spring
15, Pembroke, Pembroke Academy

Why did you apply to be a part of the student leadership program? I applied to be part of the CASL program because I had heard about it through a friend and it sounded like fun and would look good on an application. I didn’t even get a recommendation to do the program – I went to my guidance counselor and got an application.
What’s your favorite place in Concord? St. Paul’s church.
What’s something you think is missing in Concord? A place for teens to hang out past 9 p.m.

Author: The Concord Insider

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