Ask the Tweens: Advice for Obama

Dear Tweens, If you could give President Obama two pieces of advice, what would they be?

Abigail Painchaud
I think that President Obama will be a great president. He needs to work quickly and help get the United States back on its feet. He should help with Iraq and the people who need health insurance. I have high hopes for my future. President Obama will do a very good job.
Abigail Painchaud

Hayley Parenti
Two pieces of advice I have for president Obama are:
1. get our troops back from Iraq, and
2. Do something about our economy. I HATE THE WAR AND OUR CRASHING ECONOMY STINKS!!!! I think that too many people are getting killed in Iraq. We SHOULDN’T be fighting ALL THE TIME! And I don’t think that I have to say anything about the economy, do I?
Your Friend,
Haylz (Hayley Parenti)

Youlim Lee
I’m thrilled that Barack Obama is now the president of the United States, and along with that, I wanted to give him some advice that I think is important.
We use a lot of energy these days. Whatever we do, we almost always use energy. We use electricity when we watch TV or play computer games. We use gas when we drive cars. But someday, the energy will be all consumed and there is going to be nothing left. To avoid that, I came up with some suggestions.
First, we should use energy from the sun as much as we can instead of other energy. The amount of the energy from the sun does not decrease no matter how much we use it. Therefore, using sunlight is going to save us some energy.
Second, we should recycle more. If we recycle, we don’t have to hunt down new energy sources and consume them. By using materials over and over again, new energy sources can be saved.
Lastly, it is important to let people know how significant saving energy is. If they don’t know how important energy is to them, how are they going to save it? We should try to explain why we need to use the energy we have carefully and convince them to participate in energy saving, too.
I hope President Obama will take a closer look at this issue, and try to decrease the amount of energy used.
With hope,
Youlim Lee

Seimou Smith
Dear Concord Insider,
It’s Seimou, AKA Shampoo. I’ve read the Tween question and have thought hard about it. Two things I could suggest to you, Mr. President. First, I would have to say, “Great job on the speech.” I think every one, Republican or Democratic has to say that it inspired me and hopefully everyone in the country. I want you to remember that your family should be on your mind. But don’t spoil them. Think of yourself in other people’s shoes and what they’re dealing with. That will help you lead our country.

Jacob Bemis
Dear Mr. Obama,
For starters, congrats on being president. You looked really good on TV. My advice is to follow your motto, “Change we need.” Change is something we need in our country. Listen to your own advice and make the right decisions. My future counts on it.
The J Man

Author: The Concord Insider

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