By Keith Testa - Jul 7, 2015 | 0 comments

<strong>10. This rock</strong></p><p> We think the downtown planners are hopeful that this rock will play a critical role in bringing other active, young professional rocks to the new downtown.

<strong>9. More green things!</strong></p><p>Is that a garden? We hope they planted a cactus in there like we requested. Either way, this appealing greenery is connected to the end of the raised walking area in the previous photo.

<strong>8. Orange barrels</strong></p><p>This orange barrel is no doubt part of the push for a more vibrant and colorful downtown experence. We’d say it’s definitely here to stay.

<strong>7. A second story</strong>

<strong>6. A golden dome</strong></p><p>Maybe our favorite new addition to downtown is this giant golden dome the construction workers erected. Such a nice touch! You have to see it for yourself, it’s really splendid.

<strong>5. Bricky stuff</strong></p><p>These wider brick sidewalks are both aesthetically pleasing and will provide ample space for way more brazen walkers to defiantly stroll into oncoming traffic because drivers are supposed to stop for pedestrians on Main Street.

<strong>4. Take a seat</strong>

<strong>3. Bike racks with style</strong></p><p>These bike racks are pretty rad. And red. We’ve already seen several of them up getting plenty of use up and down Main Street, so the people dig ‘em. We know we’ll be parking the official Insider Schwinn there when we roll downtown.

<strong>2. Green things!</strong>

<strong>1. Outside tables and chairs</strong>
With half of Main Street about half done (do the math, try to keep up), here’s the best stuff we’ve found down there