What's your password, baby?

Dear Ball and Chain, I'm a sophomore in high school, and my boyfriend and I are getting pretty serious. We're definitely in love with each other, but we each get pretty jealous when the other talks to members of the opposite sex. The other day, my BF asked if we could share our Facebook and email passwords, “just to make sure.” I have nothing to hide, and I trust that he would never do anything bad with the passwords, but I'm still not sure if I should do it. What do you think, Ball and Chain?

Dear Growing Up Too Soon,

Not much comedy here with your problem so let's talk about your young age, infatuation and naivete with regard to your BF and his attitude toward your privacy. Run away from him ASAP. This is a sure sign of abuse in all its nasty forms. He wants to control you and you're not even engaged – fortunately. Do not give him anything he wants. . . and we mean ANYTHING! (very subtle, aren't we). You have your entire life ahead of you. Don't screw it up to have regrets, tears and abuse to live with. Never, ever give anybody your passwords – ever! That is for you and you alone.

If anybody demands it from you stand up and tell them that the Ball and Chain boys told you never to give out that info anytime to anyone. Think and act like Joan of Arc, Sue from Glee (Jane Lynch) or the original tough old Hollywood broad, Joan Crawford. You will be very happy you did. Now get out there and find a new BF who will love you for who you are. Don't rush. You're still very young and have plenty of time to party and enjoy these wonderful years. Cheers!

Author: The Concord Insider

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