Ask the Tweens: Cell phones

Dear Tweens,

How old should you be to have a cell phone? What do you need it for? Who should pay for it?

Holly Grace
There isn’t really an age limit for having a cell phone. You should have one if you have a lot of activities you do without your parents around. Cell phones are good if there is a change in plans or you need to talk to your parents immediately. I need it for play practice, sports, piano lessons and at friends’ houses. I use my phone a lot, but my parents pay for my minutes. I have to pay for texting. I text more than I talk because it is much easier, but I use it mostly to talk with friends.
Holly G.

Elizabeth Donlon
I think the age someone gets their phone depends. If it is someone who does many activities, they will need a phone to call someone to pick them up. If it were someone who won’t need to call to get picked up, then they don’t need theirs as soon.
What a tween needs a cell phone for is emergencies. I also think that a cell phone can be used for friends, like texting and chatting, but that is more of a want than a need.
I think that who pays for it depends, too. It really is a choice for the parents and the tween to make. However, if the decision is the parents pay, then the tween should be respectful and not go overboard with the talking.
Elizabeth Donlon

Abby Painchaud
I don’t think that there is an age for getting a cell phone. When you start doing things by yourself and need to get picked up or dropped off at different times, that’s when you should get one. You should only get a cell phone for when you need it. I don’t think anyone needs a cell phone before 10 years old. It depends who pays for it. I don’t really know who should be paying for it.
Abby Painchaud

Phoebe Van Gelder
Dear Celliephone,
I am going to make my psychic statement and say that you are a parent whose kid is begging for a cellie. I say there isn’t really a set age for getting a cell phone. It depends a lot on the parents. If you guys are really busy and your kid has to walk home from wherever on their own, I’d say they might be eligible for a cellie. But they don’t need one of those fancy texting ones . . . one just for calls.
If you are always home and walk or drive your kids to school and other places, they probably don’t need one. You make the rules.
Phellie Tone (AKA Phoebe)

Rachael Ramsey
Dear Readers,
I think that you should get a phone when you’re about 10 years old. You are entering double-digit years and becoming more responsible with your actions. The main purpose of the cell phone isn’t glamour, but in case of an emergency you can contact someone ASAP! I say leave the paying to the parents! Do you have a cell phone?
Racheal Ramsey

Kassi Happenny
I think that you should probably be about 10 or 11 to have a cell phone. You would probably need it for emergencies. Some people like texting. I think that you and your parents could both pay for it, so that way it is fair, I guess.
Kassi Happenny

Katy Hochberg
Dear Cellular Dude/Dudette,
I believe you should be at least 14 to get a cell phone because that is usually the year you go into high school. It would make it a lot easier to contact your family about sports and other things. But make sure you don’t go over your minutes, because you’ll probably end up paying for more than half the bill! Enjoy you new cell phone!
Katy “The Hawk” Hochberg

Author: The Concord Insider

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