Inside Concord's water treatment plant

Inside Concord's water treatment plant

When the city’s 2010 water quality report arrived in the mailbox last month, our water wheels got to spinning. We realized that we knew only two things for sure about Concord’s water supply: Its source is Penacook Lake in West Concord, and it runs through a faucet when we turn it on. The rest was kind of a mystery. We learned from the report that Concord’s water is pretty pristine and meets federal drinking water standards – something...

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Flower power

Flower power

Insider reader Kim Nesbitt snapped this shot in June.

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Scavenger hunt answers

Congratulations to 14-year-old Elizabeth Donlon and Ethan Donlon, 10, for finding all of the answers in our July 6 scavenger hunt issue! Here’s what they found at the following sites: – The “Where’s Waldo” graffiti is at Rollins Park on the bridge. – The running trail sign is at White Park. – The stairway to nowhere is at Garrison Park between pool and school. – Cats aren’t allowed at the Rolfe Park in dugout,...

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Police log

Bad batch On July 10 about 8:30 p.m., Officer Andrew Sargent was dispatched to the area of Concord Hospital for a report of a naked male running in the road. On the way to the hospital, Sargent and another officer encountered a female standing on the yellow line in the middle of Pleasant Street. “The female was facing west, with her arms in the air, and she was screaming that God was talking to her,” Sargent wrote. “Vehicles were...

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City briefly

Game on for soccer In this week’s memo, City Manager Tom Aspell had a ball talking soccer. Here’s the scoop: The recreation department extended its fall soccer registration deadline to July 29. “There are leagues for boys and girls as young as 4 years old up to high school age,” Tom wrote. Tom added that the folks at the rec department must receive registration forms as soon as possible so they can assign coaches, develop teams and...

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Your reponses to the Penacook issue

Dear Insiders, Thank you for the special Penacook issue. I suppose being The Concord Insider, there would be a certain amount of Concord bias, but I was disappointed at some of the obvious things you missed about the boundaries of the village. I live on North Main Street in the South End of Boscawen. This confuses delivery people to no end, as they go to the middle of Boscawen and look for my house north of there. Sometimes I’ll note...

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Book of the week

Book of the week

Making Rounds with Oscar: The Extraordinary Gift of an Ordinary Cat David Dosa 2010, 225 pages Nonfiction Why does Oscar, one of several cats in the Alzheimer's wing at the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, essentially ignore the patients and then suddenly decide to curl up with a patient on their bed? Does he have an uncanny ability to sense when a patient is at death's door? Dr. Dosa scoffs at the idea that...

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Bumpy? Yes. Wart-causing? No.

Bumpy? Yes. Wart-causing? No.

Are the more adventurous, younger members of your family down in the dirt playing with toads again? It shouldn't cause you to worry: There is an ancient myth based on a superstitious fear that the wart-like swellings on a toad's skin can be contagious. But there is good medical evidence this is not true. However, because of this folk tale, toads have been given a bad rap and I'm here to set the record straight....

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A night out with the Concord police

Looking for some neighborhood fun that benefits the Concord community? The Concord Police Department is hosting its 27th annual National Night Out on Aug. 3 at Rollins Park from 5 to 9 p.m. The point of the event is to encourage awareness about crime and drug prevention, and to strengthen the bond between police and community. There will be food on hand: Hot dogs, pizza, cotton candy and Sno-Cones are $1 a pop, and refreshments will...

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Pleas for more pools; Othello bombs

July 27, 1927 – The police report more evidence of the pickpockets who worked the crowd during Col. Charles A. Lindbergh's visit to Concord two days before. Two young boys have found 20 more pocketbooks in a hole covered with paper behind the airport hangar. The number of people robbed now totals at least 36. July 28, 1827 – Othello is performed at the Eagle Coffee House in Concord. Crowds are sparse. July 29, 1927...

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Seeing frozen blueberries, 3-legged chairs as art

Seeing frozen blueberries, 3-legged chairs as art

Aaron Bourque has a point of view. What that view is, exactly, is up in the air. Bourque's exhibition, “Fragments Rearranged,” consists of about 40 black-and-white photographs taken over the past two years. Spanning across the first floor of the Jill Coldron Wilson Gallery at The Kimball-Jenkins Estate, the exhibition is broken up into four parts: “Portraits, Variations on a Theme,” “The Three-legged...

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After Concord's night out, stop by Bow, too

Bow's National Night Out will be held Aug. 3 from 4 to 9 p.m. at Bow High School. Admission is free and open to all. National Night Out is being held throughout the United States to promote cooperation between police departments and their communities. This is the second-annual event held by the Bow Police Department with assistance from the Bow Parks and Recreation Department. The night will include face painting, sand art,...

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