City Briefly

Love politics?
State rep race
If you’re always complaining about what goes on in the State House, or if you just like running in elections, City Manager Tom Aspell would like to remind you that the filing period for candidates interested in running for District 11 state representative (which includes Wards 4, 8, 9 and 10), must file between Aug. 17-Aug. 24.

Here’s more information on the topic: “On Aug. 17-18, filings will be accepted in the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall, 41 Green St. From Aug. 19-24, filings will be accepted at the Secretary of State’s Office in room 204 of the State House.”
Are you ready for the bargain of the century? Tom continues, “The filing fee to run for state representative is $2.”

Of course, running a campaign might cost you more then $2, but at least it’s a budget-friendly start. Have questions? Call the city clerk’s office at 225-8500.

Zoning is fun
The Zoning Board of Adjustment has been busy, approving (or not approving) the following projects during its Aug. 5 meeting. (You’re up, Tom):

– By a 5-0 vote the board DENIED a request by Lisa and Ernest Mills to grant a rehearing for variances relating to Garden Center and Construction Trades Shop uses for properties at 307 and 311 S. Main St.

– By a 5-0 vote the board GRANTED a request by St. Paul’s School to permit construction of a new math and science building with portions exceeding the maximum allowed building height of 45 feet for property located at 325 Pleasant St.

– By a 4-0 vote the board recessed a request by John Hanna for Washington Street Café for variances relating to building setbacks for property at 88 Washington St. The hearing will be reopened and testimony taken at the Sept. 2 regular ZBA meeting.

– By a 5-0 vote the board DENIED a request by Angelo P. Kapos for Bellissimo Salon and Day Spa for a variance to permit a second freestanding sign where only one freestanding sign is permitted for property located at 133 Loudon Road.
Dear Zoning Board of Adjustment, may we install a Jacuzzi in our cubicle? Love, The Insiders.

Thanks, guys!
High five for the grounds pision
Tom is always good about giving thanks where its due. This time, the love goes to the grounds pision of the General Services Department (not to mention vendors and volunteers) for their work in preparing Doane Diamond at Memorial Field for the Babe Ruth Softball World Series. Those of you who don’t know what that is should probably stop living under rocks. (And we recommend reading this issue closely.)

Tom has the list of good stuff that was done: “Staff have painted the press box inside and out, assisted with the conversion of the baseball field into a softball field, painted logos and designs on the field and will be standing by to prep the field before each game. A big thank you goes out to city field maintenance specialist Tom Wright for putting forth a great effort in making the field as perfect as possible.”

Thanks for all the hard work, everyone!

Approval, check
Bow Brook news
Tom tells us that the city got notice from DOT and Federal Highway Administration to move forward with the Bow Brook culvert replacement project.

“Work will include the replacement of the granite box culvert under Pleasant Street in the vicinity of 140 Pleasant St.,” writes Tom, “and the replacement of the box culvert under Warren Street and the Westbourne Road intersection.

Just a heads up drivers: You should expect delays while the work is being completed.

Author: The Concord Insider

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