Ask the Elders: Music choices

Dear Elders, The majority of the music that young people listen to today is awful! The lyrics are either offensive, or just ridiculous. I was wondering if you had any suggestions for music we could download that has a little more staying power.
Not Gaga for Lady Gaga

Roioli Schweiker
Dear Not Gaga,
I almost never listen to music, so I can’t help you.

Bill Twibill
Dear Gagging,
I certainly agree with you and it is a shame that today’s “artists” will never pass on the ballads and melodies, and not develop future composers who will leave beautiful legacies. Just to get an idea of what today’s youth is missing, go to the web and look up also Listen to any one of the many choices. I’m sure that some of you think that I am too old to enjoy the current sound in music. Maybe I am, but I know what is listenable and what is totally forgettable. Give me “As Time Goes By” and “In the Mood” over any hip hop or heavy metal (gag gag).

Jan Stickler
Dear Non Gaga,
I was very happy to see that even though you do not like today’s music, you are content to leave it alone and find music to your own liking. I strongly believe each age is entitled to their own music, no matter what the other generations think. Rap and Lawrence Welk can live side-by-side.
Music is a very inpidual taste. I personally switch genres several times a day – a little jazz, a little classical, a little pop and a lot of country. I hesitate to suggest anything more than go online. There is a ton of music out there on thousands of sites. Download what you like at the moment, but do it at different times of the day. If you’re anything like me, your choices will change during the day. Don’t get trapped in an elevator of your own making.

Casper Kranenburg
Dear Not Gaga At All,
I am with you; most music these days is indeed awful! But although I don’t know what your favorite kind of music is I do know that you are of an age where “downloading” has replaced spinning vinyl, playing 8-tracks or popping in cassettes. So I suggest you go to Pandora or Slacker, choose your kind of music and listen to it – the staying power of your music selection is in your mind!

Steve Leavenworth
Dear Lady Gaga,
I’m afraid I have to agree with you. In my day, our music was not anywhere near as deafening, but was more sentimental; probably because of the war (World War II). Oh, we had our silly songs – “Three Little Fishies,” “Mairzy Doates,” “Chicory Chick ChaLa CheLa,” etc. I think our music reflected the pain of leaving our loved ones while we went to war and at the same time included silly songs to cover up the sadness. The songs nowadays seem to have no romance in them, instead screaming their messages.

Author: kmackenzie

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