The Insider hunts for buried treasure

We showed up at Cash For Gold on Manchester Street with what we thought was quite a haul of treasure. Unfortunately, our hopes for coming away rich were dashed. Our blue amethyst earring turned out to be worthless (“Amethyst is purple,” appraiser Stephen St. Laurent told us, “and not plastic like that.”). Our hunks of metal were nothing more than, well, hunks of metal. (Did somebody say hunks?) In fact, the only thing we found worth any money was the penny we found at Memorial Field – it was worth one American cent! At least the memories were priceless.
We showed up at Cash For Gold on Manchester Street with what we thought was quite a haul of treasure. Unfortunately, our hopes for coming away rich were dashed. Our blue amethyst earring turned out to be worthless (“Amethyst is purple,” appraiser Stephen St. Laurent told us, “and not plastic like that.”). Our hunks of metal were nothing more than, well, hunks of metal. (Did somebody say hunks?) In fact, the only thing we found worth any money was the penny we found at Memorial Field – it was worth one American cent! At least the memories were priceless.
Kiwanis Riverfront Park was the site of our most fruitful metal detecting. We came up with an earring and an old bolt before stumbling upon the ruins of an ancient civilization! A shoe clasp, an ornate belt buckle and a Pabst Blue Ribbon cap can only mean thing: a nomadic group of steampunk hipsters once settled here. We quickly moved along, lest their ghosts return and try to get us to listen to the new Tame Impala album.
Kiwanis Riverfront Park was the site of our most fruitful metal detecting. We came up with an earring and an old bolt before stumbling upon the ruins of an ancient civilization! A shoe clasp, an ornate belt buckle and a Pabst Blue Ribbon cap can only mean thing: a nomadic group of steampunk hipsters once settled here. We quickly moved along, lest their ghosts return and try to get us to listen to the new Tame Impala album.
We had another potential score outside City Hall; according to the metal detector, this antique device was full of coins! Unfortunately, just as we were about to take a shovel to it, a parking enforcement officer happened by and we wandered off whistling innocently.
We had another potential score outside City Hall; according to the metal detector, this antique device was full of coins! Unfortunately, just as we were about to take a shovel to it, a parking enforcement officer happened by and we wandered off whistling innocently.
What Concord location could possibly hold more history than the State House? We thought better of taking a shovel to the lawn – no need to raise the ire of any of our gun-toting state reps – but we were still able to find this piece of wire, which a passerby assured us belonged “at least” to John Stark. Couldn’t have won the Battle of Bennington without it!
What Concord location could possibly hold more history than the State House? We thought better of taking a shovel to the lawn – no need to raise the ire of any of our gun-toting state reps – but we were still able to find this piece of wire, which a passerby assured us belonged “at least” to John Stark. Couldn’t have won the Battle of Bennington without it!
We wandered around downtown looking for treasures; after poking our noses into Arrows and Embers Tattoo, we thought we had a good find. Unfortunately, Chrissy Clouthier wouldn’t let us add her septum ring to our haul.
We wandered around downtown looking for treasures; after poking our noses into Arrows and Embers Tattoo, we thought we had a good find. Unfortunately, Chrissy Clouthier wouldn’t let us add her septum ring to our haul.
After a good amount of searching in White Park, the metal detector finally went off on the playground.We dug around in the bark mulch for a bit and came up with this paper clip. Did you lose a paper clip at the White Park playground? Let us know at <a href=""></a> and we’ll get it back to you.
After a good amount of searching in White Park, the metal detector finally went off on the playground.We dug around in the bark mulch for a bit and came up with this paper clip. Did you lose a paper clip at the White Park playground? Let us know at <a href=""></a> and we’ll get it back to you.
Our first big score was in a flower bed at Memorial Field. The metal detector was pinging off the charts! A little light digging (don’t worry, we cleaned up after ourselves) and we located the source: real U.S. currency! We’re already in the black!
Our first big score was in a flower bed at Memorial Field. The metal detector was pinging off the charts! A little light digging (don’t worry, we cleaned up after ourselves) and we located the source: real U.S. currency! We’re already in the black!

Author: Ben Conant

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